Diesel Shop ROI Calculator

How profitable is your shop?

You don’t need to wait until you meet with your bookkeeper to find out. Our handy calculator helps you work out your current return on investment – you can see what you’re doing well and where you can improve.

We’ve broken the ROI Calculator into four sections:

1) Technicians

Plug in numbers like your labor rate, cost per tech, and hours billed.

2) Managers

How many have you got, and how much do they cost you?

3) Parts & Supplies

What is your average markup?

4) Overhead

What are you spending per month on rent, utilities, insurance, and more?

The best part about this tool is that you can experiment. Thinking about hiring another tech, or giving your existing group a raise? Punch in the expected numbers and see what your ROI will be, and go from there!

Answer a few questions about your shop


What's your labor rate


What is your cost per tech, per hour?

How many hours do each of your techs work per week, on average

How many hours do you bill per tech, per week?

How many techs do you have?


How many service managers do you have?


What is your cost per service manager, per year?

How many office managers do you have?


What is your cost per office manager, per year?

How many parts managers do you have?

Parts & Supplies

What is your average markup on parts?


What is your shop supplies rate, as a percent of labor revenue?


What is your monthly cost of rent and utilities?


What is your monthly cost of trucks and fuel?


What is your monthly cost of insurance?


What are your other monthly overhead costs?