Dec 10, 2022

Why You Need Invoice Software Built for Truck Repair

Why You Need Invoice Software Built for Truck Repair

Have you been researching invoicing software for your diesel repair shop? If so, you already know one thing: you have a lot of options. There are dozens—if not hundreds—of invoicing programs for you to choose from, made by everyone from the world’s biggest software developers to up-and-coming independent teams.

Needless to say, the prospect of selecting just one of these programs for your shop’s invoicing needs can be a bit overwhelming.

Don’t stress—there’s a simpler way to make this decision.

Focus on finding invoicing software designed with truck repair businesses in mind. There are loads of reasons why invoicing software built specifically for truck repair is an absolute must. Let’s discuss—and hopefully narrow your options into a much more reasonable list to vet.

Accept Flexible Payment Options

When you’re a business owner, getting paid for your services is a crucial part of success. The more payment options you accept, the easier it is for customers to do business with you.

Invoicing software makes it easy to manage all kinds of payment methods. But even if an invoicing program is ideal for most companies, it might not be well-suited to the unique demands of the truck repair industry.

Popular payment methods for diesel repair shops include credit cards, ACH payments, fleet checks, and fleet cards. The first two methods listed here are commonly used, so any respectable invoicing program will be able to handle them.

That said, the latter two payment options are highly specific to this industry—and that means a “generic” program, even one from giant, well-known corporations, may not be able to accept them. Instead of taking that risk, pick a system custom-designed to meet your shop’s needs.

Automate Invoice Creation

Let’s not sugarcoat things: if you run a truck repair business, manual invoicing can be a hassle. (Frankly, we’d use a stronger word than “hassle” here if we didn’t have to worry about our professional reputation.)

How many long, thankless hours have you spent hunched over a desk, manually copying information from repair requests to estimates, estimates to service orders, and service orders to invoices? These days, any amount of time spent doing these tasks is too much.

The reason for this is simple: truck repair invoice software can do these jobs for you instantaneously. In fact, the best invoicing software for diesel repair businesses can integrate directly with your repair requests and service order workflow.

That means you won’t have to build new invoices from scratch or re-enter vehicle info! That’s a lot of time saved.

Get Instant Authorizations

While well-designed truck repair invoice software can create estimates and other documents in a snap, that’s only half the battle. Remember, no matter how quickly you can generate estimates, you’ll still need to wait for your customers to authorize them.

Luckily, Fullbay can even improve on this step of the process. The moment you send out a service estimate, your client will be able to see it in the Customer Portal—complete with estimated fees, time, and parts.

Best yet, they’ll be able to approve it right there, keeping things as efficient as possible for everyone involved.

Integrate With Your Inventory

Why spend all your time tracking every incoming and outgoing part when software will do it for you?

Since truck repair invoice software is created to fit this industry’s specific needs, programs like Fullbay boast full integration with your part inventory helping you track inventory levels, cycle counting, and more.

Integrate With Industry-Specific Companies

Finally, using invoicing software designed for the truck repair industry means you won’t have trouble working with other services specific to this line of work. To put it simply, Fullbay is fully capable of playing nice with other trucking-focused businesses and processes.

How can this affect your shop? We already mentioned the ability to accept flexible payment options like fleet cards and fleet checks, which is pretty handy.

Beyond that, you’ll be able to refer to MOTOR’s industry-standard labor times, all but eliminating the need for guesswork when preparing estimates. Fullbay also works with Interstate Billing Service’s A/R management, allowing you to get paid for repairs instantly. And other handy integrations, too!

Choose The Best Truck Repair Invoice Software

At this point, it should be obvious that truck repair invoice software is the clear choice for your diesel repair shop. Of course, you’ll still need to decide which program fits your needs best. Since you’re reading an article about Fullbay on, you can probably guess what our recommendation is—but we can back it up with some solid arguments.

First of all, Fullbay’s invoicing solutions offer all of the benefits listed above and more. That means you’ll be able to enjoy automated invoicing, automatic inventory integration, and everything else discussed in this article.

On top of that, Fullbay’s programs are fully cloud-based and accessible on phones and tablets, making them the clear choice for mechanics on the go. We’re ready to get started if you are, so set up your free demo today!

Emilie Vecera