Jun 08, 2024

Best Inventory Management Software Features for Diesel Repair Truck Shops

Best Inventory Management Software Features for Diesel Repair Truck Shops

Robust inventory management software features separate the best inventory systems from the rest. Here, you’ll find the features these programs need to include.

If you’re in the market for a new inventory management system for your diesel repair truck shop, every day is an epic quest. 

Think about it this way—when you’re shopping for one of these programs, you’re saving the “princess” (your shop’s operational efficiency) from a “dragon” (inventory-related workflow obstacles). But to do that, you’ll need the help of a “magical artifact” (feature-rich inventory repair shop software) and a “knowledgeable wizard” (not a metaphor).

The point is that without the right software, your diesel truck repair shop won’t function as smoothly as it could. While the thought of narrowing down your options in this category can feel overwhelming, the best place to start is by looking at the features these programs bring to the table. In this article, we’ll fill you in on the inventory management software features your program of choice needs to deliver.

Core Features of Inventory Management Software

No matter how affordable or well-designed your web-based inventory management software is, it won’t meet your shop’s needs if it doesn’t include the right capabilities. If you’re looking for a new inventory management system, be sure to prioritize features like:

  • Inventory tracking. Regardless of where parts are in your shop, inventory management software can keep an eye on them.
  • Help with parts reordering. The traditional parts ordering process isn’t just a hassle—it can put you at risk of stockouts or overordering. Having access to the right software can reduce these risks.
  • Integration with parts catalogs. When your inventory software is compatible with your parts catalogs, it can make the reordering process even easier.
  • Parts scanning. Inventory software that comes with barcoding and scanning features can make inventory tracking much more convenient.
  • Powerful reporting capabilities. If you have access to data related to your shop’s inventory, you can use this information to optimize its operations.
  • In-depth customization. You should never have to pay for features your business doesn’t need—and the best inventory programs won’t force you to.

Detailed Analysis of Key Features

At Fullbay, we believe the only thing more exciting than reading something once is reading about the same thing a second time. With that in mind, here’s our in-depth breakdown of the features listed above:

Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Knowing where a specific part is shouldn’t be difficult if you only store parts in a single spot. But that isn’t usually the case for diesel shops—instead, the average shop has all sorts of places where a part could end up. And if you need to track parts across multiple locations, this process can get even more challenging.

When you start using a good inventory management system, parts tracking isn’t something you’ll have to spend time thinking about. These programs include real-time inventory tracking capabilities, allowing you to see exactly where parts are whenever you need them.

Automated Reordering

Even if you have up-to-date information on your shop’s stock levels, you could still forget to order parts until it’s too late. Fortunately, high-quality diesel repair shop software can minimize this issue by providing automated reorder notifications.

Here’s how it works: if your software provides this feature, you can set minimum and maximum thresholds for the various parts your shop uses. When you’re about to hit a minimum threshold, the system will notify you that it’s time to order more parts.

Parts Catalog Integration

These days, no program can get away with functioning in isolation. Today’s diesel repair shops rely on other systems to get the job done, and these systems need to work together to deliver the best possible results. 

Of course, that focus on integration should apply to your inventory management software. For example, when your workers can order parts within your inventory software, they can take care of this task more quickly than ever before.

Barcoding and Scanning

Even if your shop’s software technically provides inventory tracking capabilities, this feature won’t be helpful if your employees still have to type in item numbers manually. The time they spend on this task will quickly add up, cutting into your shop’s overall efficiency.

Instead, your shop’s inventory management software should include barcoding and scanning technologies. If it does, your workers will be able to update part locations with a quick scan—no additional effort required.

Reporting and Analytics

Inventory is at the heart of any diesel repair shop, and the features listed above can make it much easier to manage your shop’s stock. Even so, you’ll need a way to make smart inventory-related decisions in the future—and when you’re making these decisions, you’ll want access to reliable data.

That’s why the best inventory management programs come with powerful reporting features. While using these programs, you’ll be able to:

Customization and Scalability

Even if an inventory management feature is a must-have for one shop, it could be totally irrelevant to another. By choosing software with highly customizable pricing, you’ll be able to get the features your shop relies on without paying for capabilities you’ll never use.

On the other hand, your shop’s inventory management solution must also be ready to change along with its needs. If you’ve just opened a new diesel repair shop, what you’ll want from your software will likely be very different from what a more well-established business is looking for. Instead of catering to a single stage of a shop’s lifespan, the best programs in this category can scale alongside their users.

The Best Inventory Management Software Feature for Diesel Repair Truck Shops

By now, you’ve had a chance to read a brief overview of inventory management software features and take a closer look at each of these capabilities. 

With all that out of the way, it’s time to ask one last question: what is the single most important, helpful, and all-around indispensable feature for your diesel repair shop? 

And the answer is…we don’t know.

See, any one of the features included in this article could totally transform your shop’s operations. If your business has had serious problems keeping the right parts in stock, assisted parts reordering could make things much easier in that regard. On the other hand, shops that are struggling with a time-consuming parts ordering process might see more noteworthy benefits from integrated parts catalogs.

That said, we’d be willing to guess that real-time inventory tracking would have the biggest impact on most shops looking for inventory management software. This feature isn’t just handy—it’s something your techs and other employees will use on a daily basis, all but eliminating a major cause of wasted time around your shop in the process.

Complete Your Quest With Fullbay

Unfortunately, Fullbay can’t help you slay dragons or hire a qualified diesel wizard. However, we can assist your diesel repair truck shop by giving you and your workers access to all the capabilities discussed in this article. When you start using Fullbay’s software, you’ll enjoy inventory management software features like real-time part tracking, parts catalog integration, and automated reorder reminders.

Of course, Fullbay’s software doesn’t just focus on inventory management—it also provides features related to estimate/invoice generation, customer communication, and employee support. Our system is a true all-in-one solution for diesel shops looking to modernize and streamline their operations. 

Find out more about what Fullbay can do for your business by scheduling a demo today!


Emilie Vecera