Jan 06, 2022

2021: A Retrospective

2021: A Retrospective

Well, guys, we did it. We chugged across the finish line of 2021 and are now blinking in the bright light of 2022.

And what a year we had in 2021. The pandemic continued. Facebook became Meta. Someone thought it would be a good idea to reboot The Matrix. In other words, it’s been an adventure.

Now, it’s a generally accepted Law of the Internet that the first month of the year should be filled with recap and “Top 10” posts. Wait, what? I’m hearing that’s not the Law of the Internet but in fact something we made up.

Well, okay. Either way, you’re in luck: we only have one recap post, and this is it!

All in all, Fullbay had a pretty big year. We got a new CEO, launched some awesome products and features, and just generally had a great time. Here’s just a taste of the stuff we’re really proud of!


We jumped into the podcast game with Diesel Stories. In each episode, Jacob and Chris chat with guests from all over the diesel industry—VPs, CEOs, techs, drivers, and more! Some of our favorites from ‘21 include:


If you’ve ever spent time thinking, Man, I wish I had a shirt with a truck grille on it, then we’ve got a pretty awesome present for you. Head over to our All About the Grilles page and get yourself the (absolutely free) tee of your diesel dreams!


Does your business really have an internet presence if you don’t host webinars? We aren’t going to answer that question, but we will say that we are pretty darn proud of the webinars we produced in the previous year. Curious about the tech shortage? Want to know where to source parts during this weird moment the supply chain is experiencing? Buddy, we’ve got you.


We talked about some of these in last month’s Awesome Free Stuff post, but we love our ebooks, so they’re worth repeating:


We wrote, like, a zillion blogs last year, right? (Maybe it only felt like a zillion.) Since you’re on the blog now, you can always go back and check out everything we have to offer—but we think these are bound to be classics:


Fullbay itself didn’t just sit idle while the marketing team chewed through tons of new content. We’ve always been devoted to providing the kind of assistance the diesel industry needs and deserves, and we think these new features exemplify that:

  • The Fullbay Marketplace. Most of us have at least one story about how difficult it’s become to source parts—heck, most of us have multiple stories. That’s why we launched the Marketplace: to make it easier for our customers to get the parts they need.
  • The MOTOR Light-Duty Integration. What if we told you that our awesome MOTOR integration provided the same kind of repair guides and wiring diagrams for light-duty vehicles as it did for heavy-duty? If your shop takes in Class 1-3 units, this integration is for you.
  • Dieselmatic. Yes, your shop needs a website. If you’re still hesitant about pouring time and energy into one, let Dieselmatic do it for you! They’ll build you an awesome site that can serve as your online shopfront—and maintain it. You can just sit back and accept the praise from envious competitors. Oh, did we mention they can run your advertising for new customers and new technicians as well…


Whew! That was some good stuff. And there’s more where that came from: we’re planning a heck of a year for features and content. Stay tuned for some awesome webinars, updates, and yes, even more exciting blog posts. We’re totally stoked to be back and ready to crank our engines—we hope you’ll come along for the ride!

Suz Baldwin